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Match Day - At The AEI This Afternoon - Looks Fair

Match Day - At The AEI This Afternoon - Looks Fair

GBFC Site Manager24 Nov 2023 - 22:52
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It’s Crisp & Dry - It’s Sunny & Calm - Perfect Live Football Weather - Come Follow the BORO’

Everything looks more than fair, for this afternoon’s League encounter between Gosport Borough FC - Kick Off - 3pm at the AEI.

Gosport are keen to get back to winning league games, and Saturday’s game….on paper looks good….however nothing is won at this stage of this season…and it’s definitely all to play for at the AEI this afternoon as 2nd placed Gosport take on bottom club Didcot Town.

The unseasonal weather hopefully will bring out a decent sized crowd, to cheer the BORO’ Boys on to victory and three more precious points this afternoon.

Come along and get behind the Boys, enjoy your day and fingers crossed for a positive result.

See you at the hopefully Sunny AEI Stadium - this afternoon - come follow the BORO’

Gates Open at midday.

Further reading